Tuesday 14 May 2013

Cruise Phase: Week 7

Cruise Phase:
Week 7
Monday 29th April - Sunday 5th May

Hello fellow bloggers!! So I hope last week's blog really gave you that bit extra confidence boost to help you keep going with your diet. Or if your not dieting, just a bit of motivation for achieving any personal goal or deadline you may have! This really has been a life-changing experience so far and it is really refreshing to train yourself to a new way of life. I've found that since losing the weight and changing my eating habits, I have so much more confidence; I'm wearing outfits that I would never have the guts to wear before (not because they are revealing or anything, but because they are a little bit different in style to what I'd usually wear), I'm talking to people more, being friendly and confident. It's just really brought a ray of sunshine into my life and it's such an amazing and infectious feeling that I'm becoming addicted to eating really well and exercising well and wearing what I want because I LIKE IT, not because other people like it. Anyway, enough rambling! This is the last full week until I hit the two month mark (10th May) so I'm really pushing to try make sure I have lost 2 stone and even more by the 10th, which is why I'm still doing the two day PP one day PV alternation. So for the food:

Monday 29th April - PV

Breakfast: Boiled Eggs and Asparagus Wrapped in Ham

Day 51: Breakfast
The ham didn't wrap as well this time as it has done before but it was still simply divine. Messy food is better anyway :)

Lunch: Ham and Chicken Salad with Balsamic Tomatoes Topped with Cottage Cheese

Day 51: Lunch
The balsamic cottage cheese tomatoes were gorgeous. I always feel salad tomatoes crave a little bit of extra taste and what better seasoning to use than salt, black pepper, and balsamic. Sooo easy but it just makes that little bit of difference.

Snack: Vanilla Oat Bran Galette or in my words SWEET PANCAKE!

Day 51: Snack
So, admittedly I'm not really an oat bran galette kinda gal. However, last week when I went to a skinnypigs class, I got really dizzy and thought I was going to faint, and this was because I hadn't ate since lunch and I'd only ate a small salad. So tonight, for my boot camp class, I've made sure I've lined my stomach with a tummy filler. And oat bran is always good for being a tummy filler. But instead of just making a plain and very TASTELESS oat bran galette, I ventured out like the kitchen goddess I am becoming and added a few drops of vanilla extract, cinnamon and sweetener to the mixture, to make this a really sweet tasting 'pancake'!! And it was lush! Perfect little tummy filler which actually tasted nice. Oat bran doesn't have to be boring! Have a little go at experimenting with it. It'll take the monotony out of having to eat it as a chore.

Exercise: 45 minutes session at North East Bootcamp

This was really hard. But brilliant. Not for the faint hearted. And you do burpees until your weak at the knees. But nobody ever said it would be easy! GIVE IT A GO......they do a FREE one-week trial....check them out...

Dinner: Spicy Ginger Chicken Wrapped in Bacon with Balsamic Tomatoes

Day 51: Dinner
I know I have this kind of dinner a lot, but I'm just a sucker for spicy chicken and balsamic stuff. So sue me! I finished it off with a fat free vanilla yoghurt!

Tuesday 30th April - PP

Breakfast: Cinnamon Oat Bran Porridge

Lunch: Cottage Cheese and Seafood Sticks

Dinner: Bacon, Onion and Garlic Scramble

Day 52: Dinner
Now this doesn't look all that appetizing, but believe you me, it was packed with flavour. But I do apologise for the atrocious presentation!

Wednesday 1st May - PP

Breakfast: Cinnamon Oat Bran Porridge

Lunch: Tuna Cakes and Boiled Eggs

Day 53: Lunch
This meal is just so brilliant for filling you up, especially when your feeling really ravenous and just need a proper good stuffing! Delish!

Dinner: Simply Bacon Quiche

Day 53: Dinner
I'm a sucker for a good quiche! Lovely!

Thursday 2nd May - PV

Breakfast: Cinnamon Oat Bran Porridge

Lunch: Warm Ham and Asparagus Salad with Onions and Garlic

Day 54: Lunch
This was gorgeous. I chopped up the asparagus and fried them with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil spray with the onions and garlic, so that they were nice and toasted but still had their crunch. YUM!

Dinner: Bacon on a Bed of Asparagus, Garlic, Onions and Tomatoes with Poached Eggs

Day 54: Dinner
OMG this was absolutely gorgeous, if I may say so myself!! I cooked the asparagus the same way as I did at lunch, and they were just gorgeous with the bacon, garlic and runny eggs. Lush.

Friday 3rd May - PP

Breakfast: Cinnamon Oat Bran Porridge

Lunch: Ham and Quark Slices and Cottage Cheese with Chives and Seafood Sticks

Day 55: Lunch
Snack: Two Boiled Eggs

Dinner: Soy Beef with Onions, Garlic and Parsley

Day 55: Dinner
Saturday 4th May - PP

Breakfast: Cinnamon Oat Bran Porridge

Lunch: Bacon Omelette and Seafood Sticks

Day 56: Lunch
Bit of a messy one! But tasty all in all.

Snack: Cottage Cheese with Chives

Dinner: Prawn Curry

Day 56: Dinner
Now this was nice and spicy, however the curry sauce was just a bit too watery. I used a recipe which advised me to use water, but from now on I think I'll just add loads of different spices to the prawns and then mix in a couple of tablespoons of plain yoghurt. You can only learn by your mistakes!

I finished off the meal with some of my beloved chocolate truffles....

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :)

Sunday 5th May - PV

Breakfast: Cinnamon Oat Bran Porridge

There's got to be a way I can mix this porridge up......hmmmm. I'll have a think.

Lunch: Tomatoes, Cucumber, and Carrot Sticks

I'm travelling down to London today so this is what's available in the travel lunchbox!

Dinner: Baked Seasoned Salmon with Broccoli

Now this meal marks a milestone. It is the first restaurant meal I have had whilst on this diet. To be honest, it wasn't difficult choosing from the menu. You pick the things that are boiled, roasted or grilled rather than pan-fried and you just make sure that you ask them not to add any oil, sauce or jus. And this is the result:

Day 57: Dinner
Me and my best friend/fellow dukaner shared this meal, and since you can't have green beans we left them and just ate the beautiful salmon and broccoli! Easy peasy! I think I've gotten over that evil restaurant barrier. You just have to think smart when ordering!

So that's it for the week. Apologies for not offering many new exciting recipes....I have had a bit of a hectic week finishing off my last piece of uni work. But I promise next week will be better.

This week I have lost a whopping 5lbs, bringing me to a total loss of 26lbs! So I think I should definitely hit the 2 stone mark by the 10th if not more! Get in!!!!

So that's it for another week. Until next time, here's another photo to keep you going....

Thanks for reading....and remember...keep following!


Kate :)

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