Wednesday 3 April 2013

Cruise Phase: Week 2

Cruise Phase
Week 2:
Monday 25th March - Sunday 31st March

Another week down! 

I have worked my socks off this week to try to shake off these 5 pounds that make up the first stone; hammering the gym four times this week should have done the trick, so we'll see how I've done later....

Monday 25th March - Pure Protein

Breakfast: Cinnamon Oat Bran Porridge

Lunch: Seafood Sticks with a Tub of Cottage Cheese

No photos for these unfortunately as my deadline was due in today so I was glued to the computer in the library. Finally got it all handed in though so I feel a lot less stressed.....until the next one!


Starter: Prawns in a Spicy Cream

Day 16: Starter
This was tasty however the cream could have been a lot thicker. Something to practice again.

Main: Ham and Tofu Quiche

Day 16: Main
Both the starter and the main are recipes from my Dukan Bible. Both turned out differently but both were very tasty. Since travelling to China and South Korea I have always had really bad experiences with Tofu, finding it very sweaty and tasting like cheesy feet - to put it bluntly. However since using it in the Tofu Choc Cream recipe and in this Quiche, I have actually grown to like it, probably because I can't even taste it, but I have managed to apply it to my meal plans without having to really 'put up with it'. Tofu is so good to use in your diet when trying to lose weight, it is very good for you and very low fat, so if you are struggling to adapt it to your meal plans I suggest you try it in a quiche and try the tofu choc won't be disappointed! I finished the meal off with a fat-free vanilla yoghurt.

Tuesday 26th March - Protein and Veg

Today is day 1 of my 4 day gym hammering. But first....

Breakfast: Tomato and Low Fat Cheese Omelette

Day 17: Breakfast
Lunch: Ham Slices with Quark, Red Pepper, Cucumber, Cottage Cheese with Chives and Prawns

Day 17: Lunch
Now for my Gym Sesh1:

Workout: Zumba 18:45 - 19:30

This was so difficult. You don't realise how hard it is. A really good all over body workout, incorporating sexy dancing with high energy exercise. Great way to start the week. 

Dinner: Smoked Haddock with Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Garlic and Parsley, Wrapped in Cabbage.

Day 17: Dinner
Dessert: Oat Bran Chocolate Sponge with a Chocolate Sauce

Day 17: Dessert
This was absolutely DISGUSTING!! Do not try it. It was tasteless and the chocolate sauce was bitter and horrible. What a waste. This was taken from a recipe app I have on my iPhone and so far, most of the desserts I have tried on that app have been disappointing. But I suppose you have to practice to make perfect! 

Wednesday 27th March - Pure Protein

Breakfast: Cinnamon Oat Bran Porridge

Day 18: Breakfast
I went to the gym after my porridge. For me personally, I have to line my stomach with something before I exercise or I get dizzy. So day 2 of my 4 day hammering is:

Workout: Body Tone 10:15 - 11:00

This was awesome. It worked on toning each muscle group of your body individually and collectively using weights, a step, a mat etc. Squats were the killer. Hopefully it will get easier by the next session.

Lunch: Ham Slices with Quark, Cottage Cheese with Chives, and Salmon with a Fat-Free Toffee Yoghurt

Day 18: Lunch

Starter: Scallops in Ham

Unfortunately these were so good I forgot to take a photo! I will however, be having them again very soon so I will remember to take a photo next time! They were lush! And so simple.

Main: Beef, Mushroom, Onion and Garlic Stew with Low Salt Stock

Day 18: Main
So I had a blonde moment, I put mushrooms in the stew not even realising it wasn't allowed today. Ooooops. Never mind, I doubt one or two mushrooms are going to make that much difference. Regardless of the mistake, the stew was delicious! I finished it off with a fat-free vanilla yoghurt.

Thursday 28th March - Protein and Veg

Breakfast: Bacon and Egg with a Tomato Smile

Day 19: Breakfast
Today I take a different approach to my exercise, by being a water baby :)

Workout: Swim 11:00 - 11:45

Lunch: Cod and Vegetable Soup with a Yoghurt and Hot Cocoa

Day 19: Lunch
One word: Delicious. I had two sexy bowlfuls.


Starter: Salmon Oat Bran Roulade

Day 19: Starter
Main: Lean Beef Cubes with Mushrooms and Peppers in a Balsamic Jus

Day 19: Main
Finished off with a yoghurt. The beef was a bit chewy, as a result of sealing the meat in a pan and then transferring to the oven. Next time I'll roast the veg first and add the sealed beef to it - I like my beef rare.

Friday 29th March - Pure Protein

Breakfast: Cinnamon Oat Bran Porridge

I went to the gym for the fourth time this week today...

Workout: Body Tone 10:15 - 11:00

And remarkably, the squats were slightly easier!! I'm getting there!

Lunch: Ham Slices with Quark, Smoked Salmon and Cottage Cheese with Chives

Day 20: Lunch
Dinner: Spicy Chicken with Garlic and Onions

Day 20: Dinner
Dessert: Lemon and Vanilla Infused Creme Fraiche

Just tried this out as I didn't have any yoghurt or dessert at hand! Wasn't great but did the trick!

Day 20: Dessert
Day 20: Dessert
Saturday 30th March - Protein and Veg

Breakfast: Cinnamon Oat Bran Porridge

Lunch: Bacon, Mushroom, Onion, Tomato, Cheese and Chive Omelette with Cucumber and Beetroot

Day 21: Lunch
Dinner: Bacon and Vegetables (Cabbage, Carrots, Garlic, Onions, Pepper, Broccoli, Swede)

Day 21: Dinner
Sunday 31st March - Pure Protein

I was really naughty again today and I skipped breakfast. It was only because I slept in really late but it's definitely bad for any diet.

Also.....Happy Easter Sunday :)

I have lunch in bed today....while my boyfriend still sleeps :O

Lunch: Ham Slices with Fat-Free Cottage Cheese with Chives

Day 22: Lunch
Very simple and probably not even enough but I haven't got anything else. It's important to keep your fridge stocked up with lots of nibbles so that if you have any cravings you have something to curb them. I think I'll make a big batch of oat bran biscuits at some point to test this out.

Dinner: Almost Chicken Nuggets with Salmon and Scrambled Eggs

Day 22: Dinner
Now this was very tasty. Could have done with a more 'all over' coating of the oat bran batter but it was really delicious, and actually tastier than the real thing! Really good way to end the week.

So this week I have realised the importance of getting all of my daily meals, because your not doing yourself any favours by skipping a meal and risking yourself falling into any lapses.

After hammering the gym four times this week I was extremely surprised and disappointed to have only lost 1lb over all, however Dr Dukan states that this is likely to happen once vegetables are introduced back into your body. This is because in the Attack Phase you deprive your body of water so most of the weight you lose is water weight, and once you introduce vegetables back in, they provide your body with the water again which can and most of the time will slow down your weight loss. But as long as you stick to the diet by the letter, it will never go up, the worst result you'll get is that it has stayed the same. It is up to me now that I vary my exercises and workouts so that I give myself a change rather than just focusing on body toning, since I have to lose my weight before I tone up, such as fat burning exercises as well as toning sessions.

So, even though I'm disappointed, I just need to pick myself up, and carry on, because...............

Thanks for reading.... and remember.....

Keep Following..

Kate :)


  1. Loving the info in this blog! Appetising! Motivating and inspiring! X

    1. Thanks Colortank!

      Always good to read your comments :)
