Wednesday 13 March 2013

Attack Phase: Day 4

Wednesday 13th March:
Day 4

I wake up this morning feeling quite tired, so, although I planned to cook a scrumptious breakfast of scrambled eggs and salmon, I just couldn't be bloody bothered - better to be honest than make up an excuse! So since I planned to be at Uni for most of the day I decide to get my oat bran intake via the cinnamon porridge, and this time I add a full teaspoon of cinnamon rather than half.

And I have a photo this time:

Day 4: Breakfast

Even with an extra half a teaspoon I still couldn't quite get that flavour to power through the blandness. Maybe if I add sweetener next time? 

My friend is doing this diet as well and she has a saying: "With Dukan you Kan". I think of this every time I have a little lapse with my meals, like this one. It's always good to have the support of someone else who is in the same boat as you, because you can keep each other going. Like when runners all run together - they motivate each other to push harder and maintain that energy and spirit needed to get to the finish point. That's what we are doing. And with each other's support we can reach it with flying colours. And although my friend and I haven't seen each other since we both started the diet, we'll text each other some words of support, pics of our food, give each other tips and advice and it all helps toward our creativity in the kitchen as well as our motivation. Make sure you have someone there, even if they aren't on a diet, someone who will really support you and motivate you to carry on, and be there to stop you if you should ever feel your about to fall of the band wagon.

Anyway, I realised yesterday that I was starting to eat the same foods, and that is very dangerous. I actually come back from Uni in time for lunch so I make sure I go shopping for some different kinds of flavours. However, as I still havn't managed to shake off this 'half-arsed' spirit that's looming over me like a bad smell, I rustle up a quick and simple lunch.

Lunch: Lean Slices of Cooked Ham Filled With Cottage Cheese and Quark Cream Cheese and Pickled Onions

Day 4: Lunch
I finish off with a can of diet coke and a muller light greek style yoghurt. And it did the trick. For my snack I had a small jar of pickled cockles...yum, and a cranberry fruit tea.

I'm starting to feel a little tired today, and slightly hungry but not to the point where I want to stuff my face with cake - and to be fair since the first show there has been dozens and dozens of cakes, and biscuits and chocolate and sweets, you name it, that fellow cast members have lovingly brought in for the rest of us, and I walk past them in the dressing rooms with not even the slightest urge to have one, so that says something, doesn't it? I think mostly the tiredness is coming from the last couple of weeks of intense rehearsals but I think the hunger is down to the fact that sometimes I'm not having 'three courses' at every meal time, which the Dukan Diet advises. So a small starter, for example, some seafood sticks, then a main and then a dessert. I also think it comes down to the fact that I'm eating a lot of yoghurts as desserts and it's getting a bit boring now so tomorrow I'm going to test out a Dukan dessert recipe and hopefully that will keep my taste buds happy for the time being! I can't wait until the cruise phase when I'm allowed more 'condiments' and 'tolerated' ingredients such as reduced fat cocoa powder, and fruits to make yummy desserts with!

Now, for dinner! I make sure I really go to town with this one since I have been a bit of a lazy bugger today so here's the finale.....

Dinner: Baked Kipper with a Hollandaise Sauce, Chopped Shallots and Dill

Day 4: Dinner
Now those of you who are a bit squeamish about the whole fish being on there then....what are you thinking? With the taste of that fish I didn't even notice the eye ball glaring up at me. Haha, no but honestly, this meal rocked my world. It was awesome and fun to make. The hollandaise sauce requires a large amount of leg work, or arm work rather, as you have to constantly whisk it so it doesn't curdle. But it was an absolute corker and I highly recommend it to anyone who, like me, is absolutely gaga about fish! I finish with a muller yoghurt, and off to rehearsals I go!

So, today has been a bit of a downer to start with ending on an absolute climax by the end. So I think it's fair to say that if your having a bit of a 'can't be bothered' day, then let that come through you good and proper even if a couple of meals have to suffer the blow. But once you find your enthusiasm again - which, by the way, I did once I sat down and planned my dinner after going shopping for stuff - then regroup your thoughts and creativity and GET COOKING! 

Thanks for reading, and remember........keep following! :)