Tuesday 19 March 2013

Attack Phase: Day 8

Sunday 17th March:
Day 8

Well well well, here we are. Last day of the attack phase, I've nearly completed it. I'm feeling more hopeful today but still very flat. Happy St Patrick's Day, to you all by the way. One of my best friends lives in Ireland and I had planned to go over there around this time to celebrate it the proper Irish way, but unfortunately I have a uni deadline tomorrow which has become the bane of my life and I can't really sit and reflect on anything that has happened this week despite how shocking it may have been. Before I start getting on with work I get stuck in to breakfast.

Breakfast: Ham and Chive Omelette

Day 8: Breakfast
Really satisfying. And I was absolutely starving after last night's antics. We had to help take the set down after the final show, which took about and hour and a half. By then I was just sooo exhausted, but then it got worse. When we finally finished, we headed for the bar where a huge table of buffet food was set out for everyone. Here are a couple of pictures of the buffet:

Not one piece of food on that table was I allowed. I think it's safe to say I was absolutely livid. I went straight home as I couldn't even have a celebratory drink (or maybe I could I just want to stick to the diet by the letter). I am so looking forward to the cruise phase as I have been starting to really miss veg. I'm going to be alternating between pure protein days and pure protein + veg days over one day alternations. So one day PP and one day PV. Hopefully this will make the diet that little bit more easier, although I haven't struggled as much in this first phase as I thought I would, which is great. I think it's because I really want this badly, where as before my mind hasn't been fully in it. 

Anyway, I try to do my work at home but I just can't seem to concentrate. My friend is at university in the library doing the same work so I decide to go up since a bit of moral support always helps.
Unfortunately I don't have a photo for my lunch, since I was knee deep in this work. However what I had is easy enough explained:

Lunch: Cottage Cheese, Lean Ham Slices, Can of Diet Coke

No time to waste and I stay at the library all the way through tea time, having to go to Sainsburys nearby to grab some 'dinner'.

This is what I had......

Day 8: Dinner
Diabolical I know. But at least I ate something to see me through the night. Yes I said night. Turns out this work is proving to take longer than one thought........

So from now on I'll only be doing weekly blogs; since the Cruise Phase is the longest phase where weight loss slows down and becomes a gradual process it will be impossible for me to keep a daily blog. Plus, the most important parts will be covered, they will just be briefer than usual. In the blogs I will briefly discuss my weekly food intake - with photos of course - and give you a weekly update on my weight loss. 

It's been a great journey so far and I really hope you have enjoyed reading my blog as much as I have enjoyed writing it. And, more importantly, please keep following, the more support I get, the easier this will be to actually see through right to the very end.

It's been a pleasure.

Speak soon,

Kate :)

Oh, and one more thing........I've lost 6lbs so far :) onwards and upwards!

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