Tuesday 19 March 2013

Attack Phase: Day 6

Friday 15th March:
Day 6

I am feeling hungry today, but also exhausted. I have to be in Uni for 10am, it is 7:30am and I nearly choose sleep over my education. But no, that little voice in my head that, although sometimes annoying, keeps me from being lazy and I peel myself out of bed into the cold. I rustle up a quick but tasty breakfast just to get it over with mainly but also so I can go back into bed to eat it for one last shred of cosiness. 

And here it is:

Breakfast: Salmon Scrambled Eggs

Day 6: Breakfast
Because I'll still be up in Uni around lunch time I make a packed lunch. I finally meet up with my friend for the first time since before we both started the diet, and it's great to see her! She has lost a few pounds and she looks great. I started a week after her so I'm still wanting to wait until nearer the end of the Attack Phase before I weigh myself just so I see better results. I'm hoping to have lost around 4-5 pounds, though I'll be happy with any sort of loss, as long as it is a loss! The Dukan Diet life plan book has a really interesting section about how eating cold foods help you to lose even more weight because your body has to use energy to heat the food up to the right temperature before it can go into the blood stream, so although it may only be a couple of calories, it all adds up! Thinking of extra ways to help get that fat burnt will always be beneficial if your serious about seeing this diet to the end. To be honest, I should, from now on stop calling this a diet, and start calling it a life plan, because that's exactly what it is.

For lunch my friend and I eat together, bless us, Dukan dudes together, supporting each other as we eat our cottage cheese and other protein foods. So what did I have?

Lunch: Lean Ham Slices, Cottage Cheese, Seafood Sticks and a Can of Diet Coke

Day 6: Lunch
One word. Simple. And it was much easier to eat with someone eating pretty much the same stuff. However, the greek yoghurt was absolutely disgusting, boring and hard to swallow. I think i'll just stick to the flavoured ones thank you!

I'm back home in time to make dinner before my second last King Lear show. This meal is a lot more interesting than lunch!

Dinner: Basa Fillet Topped with Dill, Pickled Onions and Mussels Topped with Dukan Mayonnaise

Day 6: Dinner

Really fresh and really clean, if you know what I mean? Haha I'm a poet and I didn't know it! Anyway yes this was a lovely dinner, finished off with a greek style yoghurt.

So, today has been about really looking for those times when you can make your weight loss go even further. Walking more, taking the stairs rather than the lift, drinking and eating cold foods often. There are more than that too, it's all about doing your research and even looking back over stuff you have previously read just to refresh yourself; I've forgotten about a lot of important information and when read back through my Dukan Life Plan book, remembered important stuff that has helped me at that time!

Well that's it for now!

Keep following :)

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